Today is the last day of Nutrition and the Digestive System. We had to blog everything we completed. I completed the Double Sequence Chart, Venn Diagram, Fishbone and Song Lyrics.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Elective Tasks and song song lyrics
Today is the last day of Nutrition and the Digestive System. We had to blog everything we completed. I completed the Double Sequence Chart, Venn Diagram, Fishbone and Song Lyrics.
kiwi can
For kiwi can we were talking about what is a role model and what do role models do. We had talked about what role models do for kids to look up to them. Through our talk we had learnt that role models such as Mr Matt and Miss Lily do good things like helping someone find their way to somewhere or help them with work if they are in trouble figuring out to do it. After the talk we got straight into our energizer which was BANG!. People probable know this game. In this game people must form a circle to play, after the form one person will say a persons name and that person bobs down and the people next that person will say BANG! and fake shot the person on the other side of the named called out. Soon we got into our lesson which was talking about what role models do you look up to, so then we started to state what do role models do to make people look up to them. We also learnt to use integrity which was used in the games that we played. Finally going towards the end we had a activity which was fruity tooty. Fruity tooty is when one person says a friut as in apple is to hop forward and orange is backwards and banana is turn around, now we played our harm down which was GKQ.
kiwi can
kiwi sport
In kiwi sport we first got into a little ripper rugby game and then we got into a passing drill which help a lot of us to pass back for the next ripper rugby game after that. We played a ripper rugby game and when someone ripped someones ripper then they had to pass back, but if someone doesn't get ripped then they could pass forward or back. Some people got confused and thought that you had to always pass to the back. In the first games when we got ripped then we could still pass forward. We learnt to call for the ball as in calling the person with the balls name.
kiwi sport
Thursday, 28 June 2018
This week we picked a organism and had to prove that it was a organism or living. My group the Class Clown Crushers picked the Venus Flytrap to prove. We also had to record what we found out. We had to find out how the Venus Flytrap: Moves, Reproduces, Senses, Grows, Respires, Excretes, and gets Nutrition. We all had to prove all of that. We recorded out video onto Powtoons.
i like commentina on people blog make sure that you comment on people blog so that they can do it on they blog. l.I is to commenting on people blog
math fractions,
l.I to compare fractions of different kind.
so i told them in my poster that we were adding fractions and comparing fractions
math fractions
Show and Tell: Descriptive Writing
LI: to write a Descriptive scene.
For my writing task we had to write a decritive writing showing and telling the photo. We had a photo to show and tell whats happening and what do we see in the photo. We had to talk about the photo and write down on the box "Show" and "Tell".
Fact or Opinion, Character Trait,Story web
LI To Identify parts of a Narrative
L.I to infer information about characters in a story
L.I to compare and contrast facts and opinions within the story
Today we had to get a book and we had to predict what the story was going to be about. When we finished we had to tell our teacher what we had to think about the story. We had to work on our story wed. Our story web is getting us to identify the characters, setting and events which are also knows as the orientation. The next day I worked on my fact and a opinion which is helping me find different information. Lastly I did the Character Trait summary which we had to find a word from the story which is what our character acts like.
L.I to infer information about characters in a story
L.I to compare and contrast facts and opinions within the story
Today we had to get a book and we had to predict what the story was going to be about. When we finished we had to tell our teacher what we had to think about the story. We had to work on our story wed. Our story web is getting us to identify the characters, setting and events which are also knows as the orientation. The next day I worked on my fact and a opinion which is helping me find different information. Lastly I did the Character Trait summary which we had to find a word from the story which is what our character acts like.
LI: to interact online in a kind, positive, and helpful way. This week for cyber smart I had to make a list of rules to show how to be positive online. First I had to make a google about the behavior rules and how to teach others how to be safe online. Next I had add information about what you should do when you are talking to someone or even your friends.
smart relationships.
Wednesday, 27 June 2018

L.I to make string shapes with a string. This week we made some cool things with our strings. the things we made were two diamonds,Cup and saucer,Effile tower,Witches hat and a parashot. The photo is Fau she has made the two diamonds. I know how to make all of the string things. The things we made with the strings were very interesting because I learnt how to make things with string. I might do these all the time at Maori time.
Kiwi can
Today we went to kiwi can. We learnt about consequences and what it means. For our energizer we played 'Grab the cone'. For the game we had to get a partner then Ms. Lily set cones in the middle of the partners. The partners had to face each other. We went in then took a step back. When Ms. Lily said 'Banana' we had to grab the cone! I lost for all the rounds but, it is ok. We then talked about consequences. After taliking about consequences we got into our activity which was 'Blind square'. We got numbered then put into the groups I was in group four with Vayan, Hosea, and Chris. We had to get the balls while blind folded; Only one person each team could go. After that Ms. Lily and Mr. Matt put the points on the chart. In total we got twenty three points.
kiwi can
Friday, 22 June 2018
Writhing making and and audio book about tom the lost dog
LI: To brainstorm a narrative.
LI: to write a 18 sentence narrative.
This week we had to write a 18 sentence narrative about a dog named Tom. In the orentaion there is the 5WsH and hook. In the promblem lost in the forest and dosent know how to get home. events should have ideas. and the soultion is hwo the ideas got soved.
Here is my audiobook,
LI: to write a 18 sentence narrative.
This week we had to write a 18 sentence narrative about a dog named Tom. In the orentaion there is the 5WsH and hook. In the promblem lost in the forest and dosent know how to get home. events should have ideas. and the soultion is hwo the ideas got soved.
Here is my audiobook,
audio book,
Thursday, 21 June 2018
Kiwi sport
This week for kiwi sport Famish (Our coach) taught us how to play rip-pa rugby. When we were playing rip-pa rugby Famish said to turn and defend yourself whenever you are being attack. This week famish put us into four groups and first up was one and two, One won 5 to 2. Then three and four played against each other. Team four one 4 to 1. Then two and three played against each other. Team two won 5 to 3. Then team one and four played. Team four won 4 to 3. Then we packed up and team one had two wins and team two had two wins too, so team 1 and team 4 had a draw.
kiwi sport,
Pull the rippers.
Wednesday, 20 June 2018
Maths vlog
Maths Vlog
LI is to make a video
This week for math we did a blog post on the knowledge cards then we also had to make a video on the card we were doing.
Fish bone
This week for Inquiry we continued doing the Circulatory and the Respiratory System. We had to finish our task. We learned that there are three blood vessels in your Circulatory System. Those three blood vessels are called Veins, Arteries, and the Capillaries. The task we finished was the Fish bone.

This week for Maori I learnt how to weave a fish and a star. First we started
with a story called Ngake and Whātaitai the taniwha of Wellington harbour.
This book was about two taniwha's who lived a a ocean called Matiu island
or Somes island and there was no way out, One day naked was board and
wanted to get out of the Matiu island, So ngaka broke down the wall and
traveled the oceans. Whataitai wanted to follow ngake so he broke down
his own wall but he did not know what a tide was and he got stick in the
ground when the tide when out. He was under the ground forr over two
years and he ate whatever come near him. One day whaitaitai was sitting
down then he felt something lift him up and it was ngake. Then we wevead
fishes and if we were finish we could try and weave a star.
with a story called Ngake and Whātaitai the taniwha of Wellington harbour.
This book was about two taniwha's who lived a a ocean called Matiu island
or Somes island and there was no way out, One day naked was board and
wanted to get out of the Matiu island, So ngaka broke down the wall and
traveled the oceans. Whataitai wanted to follow ngake so he broke down
his own wall but he did not know what a tide was and he got stick in the
ground when the tide when out. He was under the ground forr over two
years and he ate whatever come near him. One day whaitaitai was sitting
down then he felt something lift him up and it was ngake. Then we wevead
fishes and if we were finish we could try and weave a star.
kiwi can
This week for Kiwi can we were talking about Accountability, Responsibility, Integrity. Our energiser for the day was shark attack. There was 4 hula hoops scattered oh the mat, 2 people will be the sharks they will hold the swimming noodles. They had to try hit people with it when Ms Lily say's ''SHARK ATTACK!", we all had to put our whole bodies in the hula hoops. If we get tagged we are out, we have to sit on the side and watch the game. We first had a practise round then we had a real game. REALITIES! After that we all had to sit down into 4 lines and Ms Lily will give us questions about what is accountability and why we have to be responsible. We then had our Activity. It was called hand soccer we had to get into 2 even groups that had 12 people in each, there were 2 goals. We all had to number ourselves 1 to 12. Ms lily will say no.7 so number seven will go but they can only use one hand no feet. Then Ms lily changed to 2 numbers that is like 12 and 11. My team won because the other team was cheating so we automatically won. After that we talked about how we showed responsibility and honesty during our activity. Then we did our points. We had got 18 points. We need to work on Respect, Positive attitude and more. Mr Johnson came to join us. and watch our session at kiwi can
kiwi can
poetry poem poster
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this week for reading our must do was to choose a poem and we had to find some of the functions in the poem that i chose the poem that i chose was called the Moon. and then we ha to make a poster of some of the examples that i have found in my poem and we also had to write the authors purpose of writing this poem.
Friday, 15 June 2018
Kiwi spor
LI:Ls1 Had to learn the rules of rippa rugby and how to trick defenders.
kiwi sport
Current Events
This week we had to do a blog post on our current events we had to go onto kiwi kids news and we had to pick a topic that is on the website.Then we had to put down the answer and we had to finish all the slides.
Structure and language features
L.I:To identify structure and language futures of a narrative.
Today for writing we had to write about a narrative and write down what it is.We have to write down what we put in narrative and we had to put narrative photos on.
What we learnt:We learnt what Figurative language is.
How we learnt:We learnt by listening to the teacher when he was writing on the board
Circulatory system
I learnt how to write haiku poem. We had wrote a poem about the circulatory system. We had make up an poem with in the numbers 5.7.5. We wrote our poem and also added photo's linked to the circulatory system. We showed Mr wong our poem and we only got 1 credit because a haiku poem is not really needed to be detailed. We finished 1 compulsory task whitch was the Poem/Prose.
kiwi sport
Today for Kiwi Sport we first started with rippa rush, during rippa rush we had to use the Skills Hamish taught us on our last session of Kiwi Sport, which was about side stepping. After that Hamish was talking to us about what we need to work on.Hamish numbered us in numbers no.1, no.2, no.3. Then we played a game sort of like Rippa rush but we had to get into 3 group one group was resting and the other 2 playing. One group was running and another group was defending. The running group had to run to the other siude of the court without getting ripped. If multiples people get over an only a few got ripped then the team gets one point. The defending team had to try defend the other team to make them not go the other side so they had to make a plan. They had to try make a wall so the running team can find it hard to get to the other side.After that we played an actual rippa game. We had to use the wall skills so it is hard for the other team to score. We had to tap and pass. We stayed in our 3 groups when we were playing.
kiwi sport
Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Reading, The moon.
LI: Today we learned about reading
For reading we had to find your own poem then after that we had to make a copy of self monitoring and for self monitoring we had to write what you were stuck on and also we had to write about what the author's purpose and also we had to writ about Type of Device found (Sentence Structure, Vocabulary, Poetic Device) and Example from the Poem and then when we finished our work we have to blog our work then put it in the LS 1 must do.
Today for Maori we were learning about what is Matariki. Matariki is a celebration of a new year which is call Maori new year. This is on June the 15th. This a very special to the Maori people. This is done by gathering food and family to come and have a big feed to celebrate the new Maori new year. The Maori's knew this from the seven stars that show in the sky each year. We also are having a Matariki gathering on the last Wednesday of this term. We are having sausage sizzles, performances, and a assembly.
Kiwi can
Today for kiwi can with Mr Matt and miss lily we played 2 game and the two game that we played was called fruit and the other game was gusset who is the person and then we had to tall the kiwi can teacher what dose and role mole be what and how to be and role mold at home then we had to sit on the mat and kiwi can teacher said it is not role mold any more it is tag. Then i was time for us to go back to class because the next class is going for kiwi can.
kiwi can
Thursday, 7 June 2018
kiwi can how to be and role mole
Today for kiwi can we had two game then we had to set back in our 5
line and then we had to talk about how to be and role mole then we
had to play was how to attack like and role mole then we had to set
on the floor and then we had to tall the teacher who is and role mole
in your house and people say there mum becase they help then we the
house and help there dad fix thing and help there with cleaninga nd mum
then it was time for us to go back to class becase the next class is come and
then we had our goodbyes to the kiwi cans.
L.N: Is to be and role mold.
kiwi can
Wednesday, 6 June 2018
Tuesday, 5 June 2018
This book is about guide dog guide dog is and dog that help people that can't
thing guide dog can go into supermarket and guide dog is not to be pet when
it has and harness because it is help and pro son that can't see things and guide
dog is and nice dog.When guide dog cross the rode the pro son has to hold the
harness and cross the rode.
Friday, 1 June 2018
Kiwi can
This week for kiwi can we had to show good choice and bad choice good
choice is when you do something when no one is looking and bad choice bad
choice is when same tall you to go and do same thing you do not do it you
just sit there look and the Tv. After talking about bad and good choice then we went
into our game for today and our game for today was bang to play bang you have to
have lot of people to play then and the tag game we play was no that tag there is and
other game it you have to pock 3 fruit and then you say apple is to go feed and banner is to turn around and the last fruit you have to move back. After we had our game we had to go back to class because it was the next class to go.
L.I is to be and row mold .
kiwi can
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