Kiwi Sport-Swimming
This week for kiwi sport we did swimming.
Our swimming teacher was James, James taught us how to do some swimming things.
How to entre the pool-To entre the pool we had to put our hands together, One on top of the other and the we gentaly jumed in.
Another way to jump in is to take one big step, Then jump in lightly like a pencil.
Swimming Stradiges
When we got in the pool we did one swimming stradigie first, The first swimming stradige we did was kind of hard but I think I did a little good. To do the first stradige you have to put your hands toegether, One on top of the other, Then you have to kick off thesmall trapoline. As you kick off you have to keep your head down and put one hand down and the other has to go up to the side.
For the next stradige you have to have two swimming toys,First you drop the two swimming toys on the ground, Then we have to go get the toys at the bottom of the pool.
The 3rd stradige we did we did was done on our backs, We had to lie on our backs and kick a little bit and move our arms up and down like a jellyfish. The 4th stradige we did was the rotation, For the rotation you have to lie on your tummy and move your arms around the sides for six seconds and then turn to your back and move your arms up and down.