I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Kiwi can
This week for kiwi we had to set in 4 liens we all had to find and lien that no one in after we sat in 4 line we got into our energizers our energizers was snterball to play this game you need to make and circle so evey one can fit then you get and ball so you can play after you have and ball you have to put evey one into number up to 4 after you had done that you have to say and number like to 4 and they had to ran around and then get the ball. Afther that we play and other game it was called bus stop afther we play bus stop we had i had to go to reading.
kiwi can
Friday, 26 October 2018
This week Ls1 and Ls2 had their first lesson for kiwisport.When we got into the hall we had to sit down then paxs said welcome to your first lesson for boxing.After that she ask as who plays boxing. Then we had to go to the back and pick your boxing glove after we had to pick our boxing glove. After we pick our boxing gloves we had to find and partner to box with my partner was milana we had to pick who was going to number 1 2 i was number 1 and milana was number 2 after that we had to stand on the waist line and face your partner. After we had to face our partner we had to sit down and face the front so paxs can show as what to do then we had to stand and put on of your legs to the back and sit down then we had to put your hand on your face and punch and then switch your other leg and punch
Then we had to take off the boxing glove and out then back where we find them then we had to go and was our hand and line back up outside after we line back outside we said goodbye to paxs and see you next week at kiwi sport then we all had to ran back and line back outside ls1 and wait quietly into mr wong come back.
boxsing kiwi sport
Thursday, 25 October 2018
L.I : To learn about causes,conflict and resolution to world [ww1] .
L.I is to learn what the M.A.I.N thing that started world War 1.
This week for Inquiry we had to find out what the Meaning of Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism and nationalism. Mr O made a cheat sheet for us so that it could be easier. He also put links to youtube videos. So we just had to watch the videos and copy and paste the things from the cheat sheet. My buddy for this activity was Angelica. We worked really well together. WHen we finished Mr O called us to the mat. We fixed the thinks that were wrong.
This week for Inquiry we had to find out what the Meaning of Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism and nationalism. Mr O made a cheat sheet for us so that it could be easier. He also put links to youtube videos. So we just had to watch the videos and copy and paste the things from the cheat sheet. My buddy for this activity was Angelica. We worked really well together. WHen we finished Mr O called us to the mat. We fixed the thinks that were wrong.
This week for reading we had to pick 1 of the activity so we can work on them the activist that i had done this week is could Venn Diagram Characters to do this you had to pick three charter from the book and put them on the Venn Diagram Characters. After you have put the three charterer in the book and then you have to read the book and find about the felling about the charter are they happy sad mad agree then you had to put it in the box so people no what felling the charter in story is. The book that i am reading is staring in the bay it is about three people who just live in there hues and be happy same thing they are sad mad and different other felling to.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Today I was learning how to type and LS1 teacher told us if you go on the website you might get butter with typing and when you fished tapering you go into level 2 and when you finished level 2 you carry on and now I am kinder of butter in my type ring because I away practice and that is are google thing because eyou can get butter.
World war 1
This week in Inquiry we had to learn about world war 1. what we did was get a slide from Mr O. I had a partner to help me so it was much easier. We worked really good together. We had to make a copy of it. On this slide there was important words. We had to find the definitions of it. The next slide was where it was a timeline. Mr O and MR Wong but a link for us to give us a hint. The hardest one for me was timeline.
world war 1
LI: To count bundle object for counting.
This week for maths we did Bundling. First we had to make a copy and then we had to get some ice block stick after we got some ice block stick we had to put them in order and the first number that we had to make 26 in two, three, five and ten after we finished bundle we had to blog our work and then put it in the LS1 must do.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
This week for Cyber smart we had to play this game about Co-co's ceral website. On that website it was wanting us to make a poster and make it look nice and encourage everyone to buy Co-Co crunch, and say how crunchy and tasty it is. On my website I have a sticker with design your own Co-Co Crunch cereal box, the character lewis the dragon, the motto that tells you is tasty and crunchy and that you can come back for more and the cereal box and a contest you could enter to get one. This is the game we played for cybersmart and it was our first lesson for cybersmart for term 4.
L.I To complete one of the flowing up.
This week for reading we had to complete 8 of the activities the first actives that we had to do was Character Web to do Character Web you had to read the book to find one photo of the Character you are going to do then you put it in the middle and then you have to think of what Characters look like acts like and feeling like and and Personality.For feeling you have to read the stranger of the bay to find out what she like is she happy sad mad anger that is for feelings and fro look you have to think of what she look like she is and girl she had long hire and acts like mean want she acts like in the story or in the book and Personality mean what she like to do in her our time like she to play with her cousin yes or no
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
This week Wednesday we had the first Maori session of term 4 with Ms. Whaea Odi. In this session we were read the story "In the Beginning" by Whaea Odi and then watched a video of the story created in sand art. We then rehearsed the lyrcis of a Maori song called - Hoki Mai e Tama Ma and looked at the lyrics for it which the page had in English and Maori. Then we researched and looked at the tribal areas (rohe) in Aoteroa/New Zealand. Here are the sites I checked out - Map | Te Kahui Mangai, and Trible-areas. We would continue to learn the song and the areas. We also talked about how New Zealand was discovered by a man named Kahe and his wife. They were in the pacifics and used the coconuts there, for food and drink on the way. They followed the way of the stars when It was night and the sun when morning. They moved there for more space because the islands were small and it would be too crowded there so they discovered New Zealand and moved there. In the next lesson we would be talking a bit more about the tribal areas and the song.
Kiwi can
First: Thing when we got to kiwi can we had to set in 4 lines all of the lines had to be the same after we go into 4 line we had to put our hand up if we had fun in the weekend and who want to stay back home and who want to go back on holidays.After Mr matt ask as question we had to get into our Energiser for today our Energiser was no rule tag to play this game we had to stand up and when your teacher say go you have to stand up and ran and tag any one then we had to go back and sit down.
After We had play no rule tag we had to set back down and wait after that we had to stad up in our group that we are sitting in and one person from each group had to stand up and go to miss pare so she can tell as what we are going to do we all had to pick one reach thing my group had to do helpful and respected we and plan of what we where going to do we lost of fun doing and show other how to show bad and good respect.
Then we had to stand up and get into and circle so we can do GKQ the Mather for GKQ was Fannie he had to pick where he was going to star today then when had to walk around and wait for him to come around so miss and Mr can tell us what to do the mater for GKQ was victora after we played GKQ we had to do our bays to kiwi can first the boys had to line up then the girls.
kiwi can,
showing respect in school
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