
Friday, 28 June 2019


For commenting i had commenting on hose blog about Hosea maths it about time tables and fractions.


For writhing we had to finish our stoy broad for last week and 
if you had finish 2 story broad you and your group now move on to your 
orientation when you have done that you move to our dislodge.

Kiwi sport

L.I to develop body movements of balance, rotation and strength.
This session is the last session for the term. For a start we had to do stretches. The stretches we did were: L shape, Seal, Butterfly, cat, straddle and back, front, side support. On each we had to push our self to feel the burn. We had to do each of them for 10 seconds and move on to the next one.

We had three rotation the first rotation had: going backwards on the beam, cartwheel on the box, cart wheel on the stage and forward roll on the bench. The second rotation had: star jumping off the trampoline, backwards roll down, 1 leg/scorpion hand stand and the half/180 jump. For the trampoline jump we had to get a high jump and move into a star shape position. For the 180 turn we had to jump on the spring ramp and turn half way.

The last rotation had: Hand stand against the wall, front support, parallel bars and back/side/front rotation. For the hand stand against the wall we have to hand stand putting one foot on the wall and the other stretching out and then switch. We then ended with telling the most difficult part of the challenges.

How i feel at kiwi sport yesterday. i Was happy but scared because  i will fall and break my hand

What was changle a kiwi sport yesterday. Bar, hoping, hand stand.


L.I - To organise your drive

We were organising our Google Drives to save our work. We did this because during the year we could put more stuff in our Drives and so we don't wasn't time when we are doing our work.

Wednesday, 26 June 2019


L.I: to know what a spacecraft is

This week for inquiry we were learning about mostly spacecrafts. We had to make a rocket, we had to make a google draw about the materials that are on the rocket, we also made a copy of this vs that we had to add a fictional rocket and a real rocket, we also had to make a google map about where the rockets launched. We needed to add some information about where the rocket launched and what weight it contains.  


i learned about number lines.i had to make a screencastify of 45+27 and answer was 32.and i also know my number bonds to 10.


LI TO infer figure out information from clues in a text
We are taking about inferring is figure out clues in a text. We had and google slide
we had to do with our group  the first slide we did was and photo of and sky tower
the question on the side said where s this i figure out this in Auckland city.

Basic facts

L.I: To get more better at basic facts boxes.

This week for Maths I did Basic Facts boxes. I finished of my Addition and Subtraction. Subtraction is making the number go less and Addition is making things go more up. The first layer that I did was Addition. We had to work by ourselves for this Basic Facts boxes. Addition and Subtraction is kind of hard and easy because there were same answer that were hard and easy. I did this is 3 minters 67 secaends.

Kiwi can

L.I - To use trust and reliability 

What we learnt?
Kiwi can today was about how to trust other people.

Our activity was trust fall how this game works is one partner will need to fell back onto the other partners palm of their hand,the aim of this game is to trust your partner when you fall back.

Our energizer was 123 jump how to play this game the teacher will have to call out jump or other words that rhyme with jump,whoever jumps when the teacher says lump they would be out. 

Topic - Reliability

Theme - Integrity


SSr selfie

Today we had to finish off our SSR selfie. My book was called How to be clever. I had to describe and retell what my book was about. My book was about how to be clever and how you have relationships with others in need.


L.I Share equally into group using our time tables.
On our google slide we needed to write down what is Numerator and Denominator.  Numerator is the number above the line. The numerator represents how many parts are being discuss. For example 2 in 2/3. Denominator is the number beneath the line. The Denominator represents the number of equal parts in a whole.

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

African Drumming

Johnny from Interactive taught us four rhythm on the Djembe. Johnny Taught us by singing and clapping the  rhythm for us to copy.Ore to the call and return tunes was ''I like chocolate cake '',''so do I''.Johnny teaches  message to children that message is that ''together , we can make a changed.
We learn different types of songs today and we sang some songs. I really enjoyed drumming today.



L.I: to skim a text for the topics
Skim reading is when you read two or one paragraphs in a book or story. For reading we also needed to make a Flip grid video about what we were learning about. We needed to read our notes that our group made altogether.

Friday, 21 June 2019


for reading we had to make and this and find information.

Basic facts

I Have been doing addition so I think I need to learn so subtract. I did up to 5 because I want to see what I need to learn more on I only got 2 boxes wrong so next time I will be trying to get less then 20 boxes wrong. I got 2 minters and 2 seconds next time I am going to get less then 2 minters and 2 seconds. When we had doen this we had blog it.

SSR selfie

This week for  reading we are talking about SSR selfie we have to read our library book for 15 muint when we had finish reading our book we had to make and copy of my side we did and talk about our book. We all had to write our name on our side so people in our group on that ur slide when we had  put and tile when we are done. I had to put and basic facts sheet but i could'n put it on beasue i want to finsih my work of time.


LI: to learn about the animals and how to look after them.
PBS went to the Auckland zoo to learn about the animals and how to look after them. To start off the trip we got  into our groups and we went to the Africa section of the zoo to learn about the zebras, the giraffes, ostrich, Nyasa and the White Rhinoceros. After we learnt about each animals we moved on the Meerkat enclosure. After the Meerkats we went to see Angela and Burma the elephants and the flamingos. After the elephants we ate our lunch and we split up into seperate groups and moved onto looking at other animals. The first animals that we got to see were the Meerkat in a Meerkat tunnel, we also got to see tortoises and their babies, we also got to see love birds, love birds have a colorful green feathers on them.We then moved on to other animals at the zoo, we saw the golden lion tamarin, penguins, seals and many more. I learned by going to the zoo and learning about the animals.


L.I  share equally into groups using our timetables.
This week for maths we have been learning about times tables and fractions.
We had to make and poster about our times tables and fractions.

Wednesday, 19 June 2019


L.I: to create a dialogue using text message app
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. We had to chose two people from our plays that we made last week and create a dialogue using a messaging site. We did this in partner and my partner was Liane . We chose the two characters Mother Christmas  and The gritch from our play. We used fake imessages. Link  

Hiwi the kiwi from the future.

L.I To be responsible in the sea and when fishing. 
Today we had Hiwi the kiwi visited us.We learned how to be safe in water.It was all about teaching our parents to fish and to be safe on water. We also learned the legend of the size.When you fishing you must take and rule so you no how long you fish is.When you have catch a fish you must hold it with and wet tail so you hand do not smell like fish. 

Friday, 14 June 2019


We had to commented on same work about there learning.

Basic facts

 This week we have been learning our 5 to 100 Basic facts. If you wanted to learn your basic facts you either push a botton that takes to you whatever Basic facts you wanna do. I was practicing my basic facts up to five because i wanted to start with esier on. I got some of my Substraction and addtion wrong like answers. This really hepled me it didn't really matter about my wrong and right answers. This Google sheet full of bacis facts really hepled me

SSR selfie

This week for  reading we are talking about SSR selfie we have to read our library book for 15 muint when we had finish reading our book we had to make and copy of my side we did and talk about our book. We all had to write our name on our side so people in our group on that ur slide when we had  put and tile when we are done.


L.I To understand what is needed for space exploration.
This week for Inquiry we have been learning about rockets we had find the   Distance for  the straw rocket.We had to do a straw rocket with no fins straw rocket with two and a straw rocket with the for fins. We also had see if our prediction was supported. We also had be in groups in my group was Nidhi shinayen and me.


L.I To make and recount. 
For writhing we had to make and play for Mr Wrong reading group our play  
had to be interesting so people in our group can vote  of witch recount do we 
want to use so then vote on chisa recount it was about a girls who scram beasue there was and #
beehive in her trees house.

Thursday, 13 June 2019

Maori seasons

 Here is my DLO.







Tuesday, 11 June 2019


For reading we are talking about retelling and summarising for the your book
we had to read and book and find information that was on the slide.


L.I To solve subtraction on number line using alternative reversible vocab and strategies.
This week maths we have been talking about number line and subtractions numbers we had to make and google drew with our answers we had to make and screen cast and fire with our google dreimg that we made.

Friday, 7 June 2019


i commented on hosea blog post this week.


Today we began to learn about Matariku by reading and book called the story of the night sky Matariki is the moari new year the stars disapper at the bmegining of apirl and repper in the sky thight june this mark the time to strt plating so that the harvest is ready for spring.

kiwi can

L.I to learn how to be integrity.

For kiwi can are learning about our topic, responsibility. Responsibility is taking action when needed. For example leading a team to victory (That's what I do, I carry teams). Our catch phrase is, "Kiwi Can says: Responsible is what I am, and that's the way of Kiwi Can.

For the activity was not really a activity because we had to write down the three things that we need to work on and achieve before the end of the term.

After we had a reflection on what we had talked about during the session. We spoke as a group about different integrity we have against the school, home and community.

Basic facts box

I Have been doing addition so I think I need to learn so subtract. I did up to 5 because I want to see what I need to learn more on I only got 2 boxes wrong so next time I will be trying to get less then 20 boxes wrong. I got 2 minters and 2 seconds next time I am going to get less then 2 minters and 2 seconds.

SSR selfie

For SSR we had to find and book that we no and i find this book
that i n and it is called harry the dirty dog it about and 
dog who go every where and he get dirty.


L.I to learn how to attribute.
For cyber smart we have learnt about how to attribute. Some people already knew how to attribute. This task was easy since I knew how to do this.

kiwi sport

L.I to develop body movements of balance, rotation and strength.
For a start we had to do stretches. The stretches we did were: L shape, Seal, Butterfly, cat, straddle and back, front, side support. On each we had to push our self to feel the burn. We had to do each of them for 10 seconds and move on to the next one.

We had three rotation the first rotation had: going backwards on the beam, cartwheel on the box, cart wheel on the stage and forward roll on the bench. The second rotation had: star jumping off the trampoline, backwards roll down, 1 leg/scorpion hand stand and the half/180 jump. For the trampoline jump we had to get a high jump and move into a star shape position. For the 180 turn we had to jump on the spring ramp and turn half way.

The last rotation had: Hand stand against the wall, front support, parallel bars and back/side/front rotation. For the hand stand against the wall we have to hand stand putting one foot on the wall and the other stretching out and then switch. We then ended with telling the most difficult part of the challenges.

It was hard to do things but same thing were easy to do and we also so did different thing 


LI: to Write an Explanation.

I made a explanation talking about why Water cycle . we used T.I.M.E.S that stands for Title, Introduction, Main Points, Explain visually, and summary. when we write your introduction you could ask the reader a question or explain what some of the words mean in your introduction.

when you are writing down some of your main points you can write thongs in order or you can use subheadings. and when you are doing explain visually you can use a diagram that can help the reader understand more of what you are learning about. and last is summary you can answer the question you wrote down i n your introduction.


L.I To solve subtraction question using a place value and number bond on a number line.
This week for maths we a learning about subtract  questions with a number line for our work we had to make a video and put it on our D.L.O  I put my video on the slide. I put a example of what I did.
We also learned our left on right because for our addition we start  on left because when we are going right it get smaller but this week are learning subtract so we have to start at right because we a getting smaller.
How I learned is by listing to my teacher[Miss Mybrug]

I learned was how to subtract on a number line.

Here is my D.L.O[The video will be also on the D.L.O


l.I: to retelling the story.
This week for reading we are doing retelling the book we had to reetke was the book we are reading this week i and read and book called going on and road it about and girl who go p;ace around the world.