I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Current events] All New Zealand Netball Teams Beaten.
Today for reading i am doing current events,current events is like you have to
look of kiwi kids news and or you can do time for kids is like kiwi kids news
when you and story that you like you have to go back to the currents events
and when you go on the fist slide it will ask you question about what is the story
about then when you are done you go back and blog it and put it on your
blog so other people can see it on your blog .
current events.
Friday, 21 September 2018
Time tables

L.I learning my time table.
This week i am doing my time table so my teacher no that i no my time tables i been learning them at home and learning at school to.I try my best to get all of the answer right when i kike them all i got them right i did the 3 time table 4 time table 6 time tables 12 time tables 11 time table and i got them all right i was so happy that i got the answer right
time table
Today for this week i did my inquiry and what we had to learnt about tunnels how they are made and what the are made off and those thing that we had to do.
Tunnels inquiry
LI: was to make a flip grid video
This week for math we had to make a flip grid talking about what is multiplication is then we had to record it in a quiet place and then we had to blog it. This we had to a a google sheet.
multiplication .
Thursday, 20 September 2018

Kiwi Sport-Swimming,
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Kiwi can
L.I having fun and kiwi can .
Today group B went outside to do kiwi can we had to star kiwi can on the courts. The first thing we had to do was sit down on the courts and wait for the kiwi can teacher.Then i had to stand so Miss lily can show everyone how to play this game to play this game you need lost of people to play then one person had to stand up and that person has to been the tuger then everyone had to find and space to stand then they had to ran and the tuger had to tag them and then they had to hold hand.
Then we had sit back down and wait we had to stand up again so people can play and different game we all had to play one more game and that game is called in and you had to get in two gorp the game i was in was two when we had done that the kiwi can teacher had to called 123456789 that had to ran up and the person and touch the polo the kiwi can teacher had say who the ball and that person had to ran to the other side when the other person touch him that meed that he has the ball and he has to gole it .
After we had get back together and wait into the person had the ball then we had to sit back down and wit then the kiwi can teacher ask us how was our day and we say it was cool hot mad bad then they say what do you need to do that then we had to stand up and do our beys then lur teacher told us to lien up outside our class adn wait when we come inside we had to do our bog post about kiwi can.
kiwi can
Defensive Structures
L.I To make and structures.
Isac ching’s job is to make sure there is no explosives or anything related to a explosive, Isac works at the airport he makes sure there is nothing inside a bag that is not supposed to be carried around.
Isac was telling us about different types of bombs and defences, Isac also asked us questions for example why do houses have a triangular shape on top for a roof and Isac also asked us questions about bombs or explosives.
This week Isac, Mr Wong & Mr Ogilvie asked us to get into a group of five, In this group of five we had to create a defence for a helicopter and we had to create this to protect the helicopter.
Defensive Structures,
Duffy assembly
L.I reading lost of book
Yesterday we had and Duffy assembly. We had tow nice visitor who came to our school to talk about book.Micheal mulipol is and comic artist,professional wrestler and semipro gamer-tektite. He like to read lost of book when he was in school the book that he like to to read in school was school journal when he read lost of school journal he like to read comic book so her said to himself that he want to make lost of comic book he did't just make comic book he made game that he wast to make he made ewe book he was the top ewe player in NZ he had and wee game in bruising in austerer.
Micheal mulipol love to read book made he our books.After he told us about him self he show us and slide show of he book he made and photo he had made for him self and want he like to do and who he work with make all of this comic book.He show us on the slide what book he made the book he made was Samoa hero he made lost of different book that kids will love to read in there our time.
We had so much fun talk to Micheal mulipol. When he was done we had to go back and ask to the teacher how many people can we ask to question and the teacher said 3 we had to ask three question same people said when did he like to make book he said he like to make when he was reading school jounce .
After that we had to stand up and do the Duffy song and then we had to sit down again and what for our teacher to say sandy up so we can go back to our class and line up quickly waiting for then
Duffy Assembly,
Friday, 14 September 2018
Commenthing is when you blog on some one blog and talk about what they have done right on there blog.
LI. To write informative but emotive paragraphs. This week for writing we had to create a poster about emotive language. We had to give the definition, examples and techniques. I thought of simple sentences then wrote them down, after that I added more interesting words with emotion for a good sentence. I did the definition of emotive with is making audience feel emotion through their body which also comes from the word itself. I put down why you feel more emotion and also the techniques you can use
Thursday, 13 September 2018

Basic fasts
This week we have been learning our 5 to 100 Basic facts. If you wanted to learn your basic facts you either push a botton that takes to you whatever Basic facts you wanna do. I was practicing my basic facts up to five because i wanted to start with esier on. I got some of my Substraction and addtion wrong like answers. This really hepled me it didn't really matter about my wrong and right answers. This Google sheet full of bacis facts really hepled me
Math basic fast
L.i How to swim with a boogyboard in the swimming pool
First we had to put our feet in the swimming pool .When our swimming teacher had called our name we all had to jump in the pool self in the water then when had to go to the other group and wait to they had done there roll we all had to move to the end of the pool with the other group we all had to get and bored and and get back to where you before after when every one had put into and stope the last person to be at the end they had to swimming all the way to the end of then we all had to get all of our board and when the pron go in we all had to splat when we all and turn we had to wait for the swimming teacher to think of we had to next.
Then we had to go back to the end of the swimming pool and wait then we all had to do one of the move that we did last week i did and Rudolph dive it was so eyes for me to do.Then we all had to listen to want to teacher said to us to do we had to get our of the pool and wait at the baby pool.When we had got to the baby pool we had to get into and coil it was so had and we had to run around lots of people had to set out and wait the the other group came and we did all together it was so fun then when the next class came we had to go back to class.
swimmimg kiwi sport
Time tables

L.I learning my time table.
This week i am doing my time table so my teacher no that i no my time tables i been learning them at home and learning at school to.I try my best to get all of the answer right when i kike them all i got them right i did the 3 time table 4 time table 6 time tables 12 time tables 11 time table and i got them all right i was so happy that i got the answer right
time tables
Dance mat

This week i am doing my dance mat dance mat help you type and you do not miss any other world
dance mat help me a lost because i can type so fast that i like to do dance for dance mat the level that i am is level 1,2.,3,4,5. when you have done all of the level you can go on and other typing game that you can go on it it can help you type so fast.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
L.I is to learn the difference between roads, highways and motorways and street signs.
This week for Inquiry we are learn the different between roads, highways and motorways. We also had to find the difference between streets, Roads, avenue and others. In this slide it also shows you images and videos for a better understanding.
This week for Inquiry we are learn the different between roads, highways and motorways. We also had to find the difference between streets, Roads, avenue and others. In this slide it also shows you images and videos for a better understanding.
Highways and Motorways.,
Kiwi can
L.I What is perseverance about.
This week at kiwi can Mr Matt ask as about what game we played last week and and what is our new topic.We had to set in 4 line after we had set in 4 line we had to get in are circle so we can play add on to play add on you have to get into and circle and and the first person that want to star first they had to stand up and one of our teacher had to ask one of as and questions and who get the question we had to go to next pros and do they same thing to want we just do not long ago.
After tat we had to go back to our 4 line it it took so long for people to go get in 4 line then when we had we had to talk about what is perseverance it trying over and over again then we had to set back in circle so we can play one more game it was housemaster how grump was in group was 4 we had to get same card so we can make and tower with our group where going to win the game but then our tower back drown so we lost the game we try our best to not get anger.
Then we had to get back in our 4 line.When we had done playing the last game we had to go back in our 4 line and so we can say good beys to our kiwi can teacher we had so much fun my but Miss lily was not here today so then we had to do our good beys because the next class was coming.
kiwi can,
Friday, 7 September 2018
preceding writhing
LI: To write a persuasive argument. This week for writing we had to write a persuasive argument about phone banning in school. The persuasive text we were learning about was an exposition. First we read an article about France banning smartphones and tablets in schools. After we read the article we had to write a persuasive argument about phone banning in school. We had to use oreo which stands for opinion, reasons, explanations and opinion. Once we wrote our persuasive argument we had to make a google slide and add photos that kind of match with each paragraph. Once we did that we had to record our persuasive argument using screencastify. We could include graphics and more if we wanted to. We had to explain our argument about if we agree with phone banning or we don't agree. Here is the link- Kiwi kids News Article
preceding writhing
Tongan language week
This year for Tongan Language Week LS2 and LS1 have collaborated in different groups to learn words for Tonga. I worked collaboratively with Suilia and Angelica and together we have created a DLO showing a conversation in Tongan and translating it into English. We also have created a Tongan character with the DLO. My favorite part about this task was working with people I don't really know and getting to know them better.
Tongan language week
Dane mat
Dance mat
Kiwi can
L.I is to have perseverance.
In Kiwi Can our new topic is perseverance . Perseverance means to never give up and keep on trying your best. Our teacher for kiwi Can was Mrs Lily. group A and group B combined because there was only a little bit of us because a lot of people went to rugby
First in kiwi can we had to sit into four lines. After that we done our energizer . We had to be split into two teams. So the the other two lines went on the other side and the two lines on our side came to the left. The game is that there are four cones. The first one was ten points, The second one was twenty then fifty and one hundred. We had to use the hula hoops to get them in. We got two turns. I didn't get any in cause it was so hard.
After our energizer we sat down in our four lines. Mrs Lily asked us questions about perseverance. The word perseverance means to me is never giving up.
Later On when we finished that we got into our activity. Our activity was there were four stations. We had to use a lot of perseverance in this activity. On the first station there were cards, We had to make the tallest tower, The next station we had to write words that had more than three letters. The third station we had to memorize a catch phrase and make actions for it. The last station is that we had to do challenges like a invisible chair. The station that I really enjoyed was the first station where we had to use cards to make the tallest tower.
I have enjoyed this Kiwi Can because we got to learn a new topic and I enjoyed the games.
kiwi can
Time tables
L.I learning my time table.
This week i am doing my time table so my teacher no that i no my time tables i been learning them at home and learning at school to.I try my best to get all of the answer right when i kike them all i got them right i did the 3 time table 4 time table 6 time tables 12 time tables 11 time table and i got them all right i was so happy that i got the answer right
time tables
This week for inquiry we are talking about traffic lights in USA we had to make and google slide of about traffic light roundabout in USA we had to put insuring photos of USA traffic lights and round about to we had to work in three of four we had to make to pick who was going to do traffic light and round about priding crossing i was doing traffic light in my group tire was 4 people we had to do teacher one of my groups where doing round about and one of them where doing priding crossing you have to puss one of the lights are read db red been to stop because it is not self to walk when it is and orange light that me that you have slow down do not run because it will get bub into and car and the last is green the green light tell people is god to walk no and it is self there was 4 different Ganesha we had to play one of the game where roundabout you have to pick one of the car nad then you star at the comer and drive to other slide so you go to the next lee we had to play all of the games.
Game's inquiry
Thursday, 6 September 2018
L.I: We are learning how to swim.
This week for swimming we are learning how to swim form the deep slide to the salon slide it was so hard because we have to not touch the ground.Same of the group flot on there back with the noodle James group had to get out of the pool and work to the other slide where it is deep we had all had to jump in the pool where it was deep i could't touch the ground because it was to deep for me.Then we had to do Feet first sculling in the water where it was so deep for me i had to set up and move back and then run and jump in the water with out touching the ground and we had to stand up set down on the plat form.
Then when we had done that and everyone had and turn we had to set up and go back to where we stared we had to move the plat form to the deep slide and move the other plot form to the other end then we had to have and race to the end by not touching the ground it was so hard for me because it could swim to the other slide i try my best to get to the other slide and i made it with not touch the ground.
After we had done the race we had to swim with back where James put the plot form and we had to swim there.It was so hard because it could not broil because i had to swim to the other slide and back and now i had to swim to where the plot form is i had so much fun and swim panmure swim help me a lost to swim and swim back we had to do different swimming to the plot form and when we are going to do one thing then the next class come and we had to go back to class.
Kiwi Sport-Swimming,
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
LI: to learn how to retell and visualize the myth of Fin Mccool.
This week we had to visualize from the story that our teacher was telling us so we had to write what we heard from the story and visualize as well so that it can help us for when we draw our picture. but we still had to learn about the myth in each box we had five minutes to write down what we had heard from the story or myth and then once we had finished that we had to go and draw our pictures we also had 30 minutes to draw all of our pictures in the box. and we to draw what we had heard from the story and then we could blog about it.
The myth of Fin McCool:
There was two giant and they were so big.The first giant was called Fin McCool and the other giant name was called benandonner. The first giant lived in Scotland and the other giant lived in Ireland..
Finn Mccool and benandonner was screaming at fin McCool and every dad they keep of cramming
At each other
Finn Mccool was so sick so he said i am going to scaled to see benandother . But he couldn't get to other slide because there was no bridge to cross to the other slide.So then go went over .
When fin mcCool got to the other slide he said where is benandother but he could not find him so he look around for him and he find and house that look bigger then fin mcCool house so he went in slide ad look around and he saw and big chair and big bed and every thing and he benandother is big so then we over the bridge and when Ben come back he said same has been in my house.
When fin M got home and he wife said to him are you scream and he said yes so then his wife said let go up set and into the room and the wife said talk off your clots and i will rap you with this whole shit and and lie down on bed like and baby.and you can hear same one at the door and benandother say let me in so he came and he eat same thing with rock inside and he my chef he say.
So they set in house and he go and see that same one in the room so and the wife say this is and baby and he say this baby is so big then how bigger is fin mcCool so then he run down and say thank for the food he say to the wife and then he live the house and when he running he find lost of rock behind me so hi chichi it so fin mcCool doesn't follow him then when he got to Scotland he said nothing is going so much time then he lock the doors.
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Basic facts
for math my group is doing basic fact. we had to do all of then there was 2 thing we had to do one of them as 5 number bods up to 5 we had to do 10 number to to we had to filed of of the box in and when we are done we had to go and show the teacher so we can make and copy of the 10 time table and then wet filed in all of the box then when you are finish you have to blog it and show the teacher so he can see if it is right of wrong.
Math basic fast
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