I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 29 March 2019
Basic facts
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Today for i had to learn my basic facts so that we remember them we had to do the addition and subtraction box and we had to do all of them on this google sheet and i did six rows of basic facts. This was easy because most of them i already know and same of them are so eyes i had to do was additions up to 5 i try my best to do it fasta dn get the aswer fast.
basic facts
SSR selfie
This week, My story was 'Wings of Fire, Dragonet Prophecy'. I wrote a summary about how the dragons are destine to stop war. SSR Selfie means Silent.Sustained. Reading, and we have to write a summary about any book that we read.Click this link to go to the slides. My Slide is number 8, which is close to the top.
My Summary: This story is about 5 Dragonets who are destined to stop war and bring peace, said from a 'Prophecy' that is troubling them. Clay Flies around the island, in search for the other dragonets.
My Summary: This story is about 5 Dragonets who are destined to stop war and bring peace, said from a 'Prophecy' that is troubling them. Clay Flies around the island, in search for the other dragonets.
SSR Selfie
This week for math Mr ogilvie groups went outside side and play snag golf. In each group there was 5 or 6 people we all had netbooks in each group. The equipment we need was cones, tennis balls and golf bat when we got those thing when each group had and turn had and turn and got 20 hit all together they had to show Mr Ogilvie.
graphs nsga golf,
Thursday, 28 March 2019
L.I To make and compound sentence .
For writhing we had to finish our work that we havant finish from last week monday we had to
write the reavle the 3 event and the ending we had to write about what we did last week monday we went out side and mr wong told us how to file we we out side we snag equipment mr wong thro all of the tennis balls far and then mr wong time us when mr wong said go we all had to ran and work us and team and bring the tennis ball back before 30 minute after that we pack us and went back to class.
compound sentence,
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
The 4 dimensions of hauora.
LI:Learning about the 4 dimensions of hauora.
Today for inquiry we were learning about the 4 dimensions of hauora. They are physical,social,emotional\mental and spiritual.We had to make a google drawing and write what do you do for physical,social,emotional\mental and spiritual.We had to write the 4 dimensions in Maori.
The 4 dimensions of hauora.
L.I To Learn the notes GFA and C.
This week for music we played Chime Bars with our panters my panter for music was
Charlize and i played FAG and C we both had one stick each charlize was playing the low C and i was playing the hightg C . After we play the chime bars Mr shone pick 6 people to go on the pione for 15 minute after 15 minutes we had pack up .
Kiwi can
L.I TO learn about good think and bad think.
This week at kiwi can we are talking about releaships. Our them this week is positive releaships and our topic is releaships . Our engineers that we played was last man standing how to play this game is that everyone has to ran and your teacher has to call someone name and the prson they your teacher called they are the tager and they have to tag many people they can and the last prosn to stand up is the win for the day after play that game we got into GKQ .
kiwi can,
Positive relationships,
Friday, 22 March 2019
Art apple .
Kiwi sport - The full game of ki o rahi
L.I to learn how to play the proper Ki o rahi game.
For Kiwi sport we player the proper version of ki o rahi. We had to apply all the learning we did to play the full game Ki O Rahi. We had two of the teams which are Taniwha and Kioma. Kioma wears yellow tags and Taniwha wears Red tags. This tested of how we will be playing next week and so that if we get picked for the Kioma or Taniwha team then we can play the role. When we finished the score was five to one and the Taniwha team lose which is the team that i was in but we tried our best.
kiwi sport
L.I To make and graph by hand.
This week for math we are learning about graphs. Mr ogilvie took us out with our math book that has tally makers on them we had to get our things we need for our snack gole after that we got it out we had to set it up and if we miss then we had to put one mark on the miss and then we had to
come back to class and make and graphs with the tally bar we did about and snack golf.
Building Sentences
L.I To write clear and detalitle sentences
This week for writhing Mr wong made slide with video and we had to think of what they are doing then we had to make nad basic sentch then we had to add on more information about what they are doing on the video then we had to finish all of the other one taht mr wong did for us when we are finish we and to blog it.
Building Sentences writing
This week for reading we had to read our book that mr wong made for to read and we had to find the key world in that book when we had find lost of key worlds we had to find one slide that no one has no use and then we had to find world that counters with our word so i pick dangers and i had to go on the site Thesaurus and we had to find world on there that counters with our world and put it on our side we made and fill them all.
Hauora | The 4 Dimensions
L.I : To learn about the 4 stages of having a healthy body of hauora.
This week we have been talking about the 4 dimensions of hauora. The 4 dimensions of hauora is spiritual,mental,social and physical. The four thing we did for our 4 dimensiones is body part the counters with our heart.
Physical : physical is about our bodys . How it grows and develops how will we look after it what food or substance is same thing we put inside it.
Our task today was to make 1 poster for each person in our group, 4 total, and make it about the 4 dimensions. We had to download it and put it on a slide as PNG and put in the middle, the thing/item/bodypart ect. that it couldn't work without 4 of its main operations.
Hauora | The 4 Dimensions,
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Kiwi can
L.I To learn about postaviti releships.
This week for kiwi can we talk about positive Relationships and what is positive Relationships after we talk about it we got into our energer was guess that code how to play this is that you have to put 6 hops of the ground and then you think of and code and there should be 2 group on each slide then the first person go and up and guess the first code and if you get it wrong it is the next team to go. The first group to guess the code what group 1 they got the code. After we played guess the code we got in a circle and we play master was Angelica after we play master we went and had to go so the next class can go.
This week for kiwi can we talk about positive Relationships and what is positive Relationships after we talk about it we got into our energer was guess that code how to play this is that you have to put 6 hops of the ground and then you think of and code and there should be 2 group on each slide then the first person go and up and guess the first code and if you get it wrong it is the next team to go. The first group to guess the code what group 1 they got the code. After we played guess the code we got in a circle and we play master was Angelica after we play master we went and had to go so the next class can go.
kiwi can,
positiv releships
Friday, 15 March 2019
L.I to learn about all the different abuses.
We were with Constable Sirius and we were learning about the different abuses. The different abuses are: Sexual abuse, Cyber, abuse, Physical abuse, Family violence, Neglect, and Emotional abuse.
The meaning Sexual abuse is when someone asks you to touch one of their body parts. Cyber abuse is when someone is saying or texting mean things about you online for ages. Physical abuse is when you get punched or something like that. Family violence is when someone in the family is fighting another person in the family. Neglect is when parents reject you. Emotional abuse is when someone hurts your feelings sad,mad, angre, and when we were fishes we had to blog it
Abuses writhing worlds
KOS, inquiry
LI: To give some safety rules for digital technologies.
In Inquiry we were learning about safety, and what is not safe. We all had brainstorm different kinds of digital technologies for example: Hardware: Phones, Laptops and Software is apps that we use like blogger, You tube and Facebook. We then got given a doc that we were to type some positive and negative situations that happens on software. Some people started from the bottom, the middle and the top. Once we all had finished we had rated some as a whole class and then rate the situation in the groups we worked in. ---> LINK <---
KOS inquiry
L.I To learn how to make and tally bar and graphs.
For math this week we are learning about tally and graphs. The first thing did was we had to roll and 6 sides dices we had to roll the dice and whatever number the dice lands on we had to put in on the piece on paper then we had to make and graph of how many tally bars are there hen we had to show the teacher if where have 100 and show are graphs
deep water danger.,
Kiwi sport
L.I To played the full game of ki o rahi.
Today fro kiwi sport we learn how thow the key to the tupo. The first group to put there tags on was the yellow team then they red team put there tags on. After put our tag on we had to get in our stops the yellow team had to stand next to the pow and the red team had to stand in next to the top. Then we had to play the game the game we had to do was ki o rahi we had to stand next to the tuop and when the key touch the toup you are out and the other group had switch then we had to came to the tuop then she said we all had to talk off your tag off and when went back to class and the morning tes rang.
L.I: To learn how to write and recount.
The first thing we had to do was went outside and played snack golf we had to make and recount of what we did outside with the snack golf things. The first thing we had to do was we had to what happened first scanned last the first thing we did was we went and got the golf that we need to get then we had to throw the ball to the target.
writhing snack golf
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
Kiwi can
L.I To talk about cooperation.
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 We had kiwi can our topic today was positive relationship
and our theam is cooperation. Our energiser we played was opposite how you played this game is someone say to say and opposite of same thing like if you said look up have to look down that how you play opposite. After our energiser we sat on the mat in circle and talk about cooperation and what is coopentin and how you can use it in our school then we got into and activity our activity was command and conquer we had to get in group of six and the group had to be 4 one prson from each group had to go to miss matt they got and act they had to do with there group teh they went back to their group and the had to talk about cooperation. At kiwi can i learn what is cooperation and how you can use it in we school .
kiwi can
Friday, 8 March 2019
basic facts
LI: to practice learning our basic facts.
Today for i had to learn my basic facts so that we remember them we had to do the addition and subtraction box and we had to do all of them on this google sheet and i did six rows of basic facts. This was easy because most of them i already know and same of them are so eyes i had to do was additions
Today for i had to learn my basic facts so that we remember them we had to do the addition and subtraction box and we had to do all of them on this google sheet and i did six rows of basic facts. This was easy because most of them i already know and same of them are so eyes i had to do was additions
Math basic facts
For commenting we to go on people blog and commenting if you do not no how to blog look at my blog for same information oi have been blogging and year i like to comment on people blog that i no i have been blog from team 1 and 2016 when i was and year 5 now i am and year 6 and i love blogging.
SSR selfie
SSR selfie reading
This week we had our first session of KOS Keeping yourself Safe.
olor: white; font-family: "times" , "times new roman" , serif; font-size: 13.2px;">Personal Strengths:
Personal Strengths is things that we are good at. I am good at playing netball and I like reading a book most of my spear time.
Emotions and Safe Activities
Sometimes emotions can affect peoples behaviours to make them think differently and do dangerous things. When I get certificates I feel very proud of myself which gives me the feeling to do it again. When my sister takes my stuff I get very angry and I feel like to do something dangerous. Instead of doing dangerous things I can just listen to music or ask my sister to not touch my belongings.
Types of Touch:
There is three main types of touch and they are types of touch that are Touch we like, Touch that hurts, Confusing touch we want to stop. Touch we like is a High five, Touch that hurts is a punch in the face, and a Confusing touch that we want to stop is getting a wedgie.
Safe Situations
Getting a cuddle for your parents is apart of and safety shavin and when same say to you to hop into the car will you get in our witch you not witch one is it no yes.
SSR Selfie
Kiwi sport
L.I to learn how to play the Kioma role.
For Kiwi can we were learning about the positions and where he can go and not go. We played We had played a similar version of Golden child except we hadis actually in the game. Everyone had been split into Kioma and Taniwha. This tested of how we will be playing next week and so that if we get picked for the Kioma or Taniwha team then we can play the role. We played four roundsnever got the golden child (which is the last person in the line). We had a tie with the Taniwha.
kiwi sport ki or rahi
L.I To learn how to measuring thing
This week for math we are learning about measuring. For math we took and photo of
the netball counters we had to measure it the netball counters to the other slide to the other slide was 30m the thing we use to measuring this was and meter ruler and measuring tape the mearsing tap was the eyes and fast to measure from slide to slide.
Thursday, 7 March 2019
Blue ranger
L.I to talk about blue power ranger.
On monday we had to find information about our color of our group my group name was blue ranger w had to fin 5 facts about blue ranger and find and photo of our group which was blue ranger and power ranger is and cartoon that people watch adn ranger is when they help people when they are in danger. We had to think of different ranger so we can use them as our group my group name is called blue ranger,
Blue ranger writhing,
must do
L.I To play C,A,F and G.
Yesterday we had music with Miss whea odie . AT first we got the chose to rather play a ukulele and a Chime bar but Miss whea odie our Music teacher chose the people that got to play the piano and people who got to go outside to play the ukulele . Same people got to play different inmeant people played chime bars too.
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Kiwi can
This week for kiwi can we learn about priest and what is priset is when you chera for people when they are playing and sport our they have join same thing you have to praise.
The game we played was rock paper sics how to play this game is that you have to find and panter and here partner have to say rock paper sisc and if one of you win the other that lose that have to touch the ground and ran after your panter .
After that game went back and inside and did our point then the ball rang so we did our point as fast
we all of 10 but and the last point we got 9 we try our best to show respect to other and your team and work as a team together.
kiwi can
Writing a blurb is Important because it is telling the audience what your blog post.What you need to make and blog post is and blurb in you blurb you need what you learn how you learn it and what you did and use to learn it.
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