
Friday, 8 March 2019


LI: To identify behaviors by other people that make them feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

This week we had our first session of KOS Keeping yourself Safe.

olor: white; font-family: "times" , "times new roman" , serif; font-size: 13.2px;">Personal Strengths:
Personal Strengths is things that we are good at. I am good at playing netball and I like reading a book most of my spear time.

Emotions and Safe Activities
Sometimes emotions can affect peoples behaviours to make them think differently and do dangerous things. When I get certificates I feel very proud of myself which gives me the feeling to do it again. When my sister takes my stuff I get very angry and I feel like to do something dangerous. Instead of doing dangerous things I can just listen to music or ask my sister to not touch my belongings.

Types of Touch:
There is three main types of touch and they are types of touch that are Touch we like, Touch that hurts, Confusing touch we want to stop. Touch we like is a High five, Touch that hurts is a punch in the face, and a Confusing touch that we want to stop is getting a wedgie.

Safe Situations
Getting a cuddle for your parents is apart of and safety shavin and when same say to you to hop into the car will you get in our witch you not witch one is it no  yes.

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